6 Important Tips to Climb Mount Rinjani must You Know

There is a distinct reason why mountain climbing activities are very popular among nature lovers. Satisfaction and happiness that was difficult strung together in words. Increasingly, hikers are also increasingly want to try the difficult terrain. One is the ultimate test when they wanted to climb Mount Rinjani, which became the pride of Indonesian tourism.

This one has a famous mountain steep and extreme track. However, behind it all climbers will get treats beautiful natural panorama, ranging from the slopes to the summit. The 2nd highest mountain (3726 meters above sea level) in Indonesia is located in Lombok, NTB. Conquering the mountain needed a strong intention, spirit and good self-control.

You'll often hear that Mount Rinjani is very charming beauty, but also dangerous. Already many climbers who died due to certain conditions. For that you need to protect yourself optimally and follow the guidelines. For example, by following the 6 ways and important tips climb Mount Rinjani following:

1#Planning and Preparation

The first step that you need to do is to make planning and preparation. Whether it supplies to climb and peak physical condition.

Additionally collect a lot of references climbing, fees and accommodation. Many of proven strategies to get cheap transportation to the location of the climb. Do not forget your personal medicines and try seirit probably at the beginning of the trip.

In addition, a plan the length of time climbing. Generally, climbers take about 4-6 days to go up and down the mountain. Remember the length of time proportional to the porter rates, food supplies and a surcharge is greater. Management journey in detail according to the available budget.

2#Panorama Beautiful Can You Enjoy While Drought

It is still associated with prior planning. The best and most appropriate time to climb Mount Rinjani is during the dry season. Especially in the months from March to August are many the most beautiful panoramic views of nature ala Rinjani.

If you want to enjoy nature more privacy to avoid the busy and bustling time. For example, when the celebration of Independence Day or New Year. However, if like climbing when crowded porter advised to book early. At times crowded, porter services can be very rare and easy to run.

3#Adhere to Ethics and Rules of Conduct Climb Already Defined business for your own safety

Tourism managers mountain has been made safe and comfortable guide for climbers. For that way and important tips climb Mount Rinjani next step was to obey the rules and ethical. Some of the points that must be considered include:

  • Climbers are required to report and asked permission to venture into business Gunung Rinjani National Park. The permit should include the identity and a health certificate from a doctor.
  • For climbers with the purpose of research, education or party agencies, shall carry passes. The letter indicated on the license manager when reporting a hike.
  • Hikers are strongly advised to bring porter or guide who is experienced. In addition, should bring sufficient supplies are not burdensome or omissions.
  • Ascent allowed is from April to November. It is not recommended to climb in the months from December to March for security reasons. Except, there is a special permit from the National Park of Mount Rinjani.
  • During the ascent encouraged to not harm the environment and takes animal-wild plants that live in the surrounding area. Construct a tent at the appointed place and note the limits set fire to prevent fires.
  • After the ascent, must report back to the organizer to be recorded and acted upon.

4#Choose One In Between 2 These are the Most Popular Authorized to Climb

Currently there are four official channels that can be used to climb to the top. Namely Through Sembalun, Senaru, Torean or from Timbanuh. However it is recommended to choose one of two routes are the most popular, and Senaru Sembalun.

Sembalun is the fastest route to get to the top. You will pass through the expanse of savanna and the typical landscape of the mountains. Track taken fairly gentle, but winding and quite extreme. There are 3 resort before heading up to Lake Segara Anak. The distance of about 10-12 hours, without many stops.

These are the most crowded in Senaru. The reason could be because mekanjubkan presented scenery along the way. You will pass through dense tropical forest and find 3 posts resting. Arriving in Lake Segara Anak, time to prepare extra energy to climb to the top. Steep climbs, a slope of about 60 degrees and it took about 5 hours to get to the top.

5# Destinations Mandatory After Conquering Puncak Rinjani

As is known mountain this one saves a lot of natural beauty. In addition to Lake Segara Anak, there are a number of interesting caves to explore. There are two caves highly recommended that Goa Dairy and Goa Park.

Goa Dairy you can soak in hot water or enjoy cantiknaya stalactites in the bottom of the cave. It was said that water dripping through the stalactites that taste like milk. Maybe that was the reason why his name Goa Dairy.

Not far away is Goa Parks that offer excitement. You have to crawl to get into the cave. This place is often used as religious ceremonies and local residents. That is why you will find many white fabrics are hung.

6# Keep your trash Hygiene and Manage Your Own

Tips climb Mount Rinjani last climber is be responsible and loving environment. Under the rules already mentioned that every climber is required to maintain a clean environment and not throw garbage sembrangan.

Not all managers can cope with waste dumped carelessly by climbers. To that end, a minimum collect and dispose your trash itself in place after getting off the mountain.

Estimated expenditures during the ascent depends on where you leave and the length of time climbing. Total expenditure of hundreds of thousands to millions of rupiah.

If you want more simple, it can try to find climbing package cost which is now widely offered. Travel agents will take care of all the needs and facilities ascent to Mount Rinjani.

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