12 Places in Yogyakarta Most Popular and Attractive

2016 still seems to be the best year for tourism in Yogyakarta. No less than a dozen new sites opened in Yogyakarta, some of them are still hidden. Not to mention the dozens of hotels, from small to large, from cheap to luxurious, suddenly appeared in various corners of Yogyakarta. But among all the attraction, there are 17 tourist attractions in Yogyakarta most popular and interesting for 2016.

Tourist attractions in Yogyakarta Which are the object of the most popular this year, according to Tourism Indonesia? Did you visit them all?

Indonesia tourism will divide it into three broad categories, namely natural tourist destinations, cultural and historical tourist destination, as well as culinary tours of the most popular. Let us see.

Nature Popular Places in Yogyakarta


Yes, Kaliurang still be the most popular attractions in Yogyakarta in 2015 for the category of nature. The ambiance and the cool weather, ease of access and delights snacks are available in Kaliurang was unbeaten by any attraction.

Snacks jadah tempe, for example, you can only meet in the Ground. Once out of the attractions located on the slopes of Mount Merapi, misbegotten tempenya already not as pleasant as misbegotten tempe original ones created by the citizens of Kaliurang.

2# Pindul cave

The most popular natural attractions in Yogyakarta next Pindul, located in Gunung Kidul. Pindul, which is one of the seven caves with underground streams does offer the sensation of outstanding natural exploration through its cave tubing.

You can enjoy a variety of beautiful natural ornaments inside Pindul, as moonmilk, rock crystal, stalactites and stalagmites in several places together to form a solid pillar and beautiful natural.

3# Indrayanti Beach

Indrayanti Beach, which is also often called Pulang Syawal coast, became the most popular beach destinations in Yogyakarta for the 2015 version of pariwisataindo.com. Although other beaches equally beautiful, Turkish Indrayantilah which is usually a destination for tourists and travelers if want to enjoy the sea framed by beautiful white sand beaches.

Although around Turkish Indrayanti already built restaurants and cafes are also a variety of stalls selling souvenirs, but the authenticity of Turkish Indrayanti still awake. For an afterthought, not far from the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta there is a beautiful beach that is not widely known that the beach Pok Tunggal.

4# Lower Progo River

Tourist attractions in Yogyakarta is actually a tourist attraction located in Magelang, Central Java. But the distance is very close to Yogyakarta, and most travelers was departed from Yogyakarta. So that not a few companies Yogyakarta tour guide who recommends this river tour to be enjoyed by the tourists, especially those who want to test the guts to conquer the Progo River flow.

Although it is very adrenaline, but the rafting tour is safe to do with the family, you know. Many rafting guides who ensure the Zero Accident, equipment and fixtures are complete and appropriate applicable safety standards. The his guide was very professional. So, do not hesitate to invite your family to get together wading Progo is yes.

5# Sri Gethuk Waterfall 

Natural attractions in Yogyakarta is fairly far from the reach of the tourists, because it requires considerable effort and extra energy to reach the location of Niagara Sri Gethuk this.

You have to pass through eucalyptus forests Perhutani, past teak forests are dense enough, and then have to pass the path through the rice fields. The final route can also be taken with other alternatives, namely the raft to the river Oya.

6# Pine Forest Mangunan

Who likes selfie amid beautiful natural objects, seems mandatory for selfie nih in the middle of a pine forest Mangunan. Being in the middle ranks of large trees like this certainly could create incredible selfie photo yes. The location of this pine forest in the direction that you would go to the grave site of the Kings in Imogiri.

Very easy to find. Near the pine forest is also no springs Bengkung, which reputedly once the location of the Hermitage Sultan Agung.

7# Yogyakarta palace

History is centered in Yogyakarta Sultan Palace, and become a living museum for the preservation of Javanese culture. Not just a collection of items that could palace you enjoy here, but you also can see directly the activities of the courtiers daily.

Also there are various cultural performances are different every day. Not only that, you can also know learn gamelan directly to the courtiers who are already experts.

8# Taman Sari Water Castle

If you've visited the Sultan Palace, I think the next mandatory goal is the water palace Taman Sari. Located not far from the palace, only about 10 minutes away by becak.

In Taman Sari, you can enjoy traces the cultural history of the palace with the closer. That said, Taman Sari was once a resting place for the Sultan. Area where Taman Sari This is very broad, so do not stop just around of washing only.

You must continue to venture into the underground halls that take you to other parts, namely Pasarean Ledoksari and Well Gumuling. You can also continue the journey up to the Pulo Cemeti and ends at Ngasem market, which has now been revitalized into a market of arts and culture.

9# Tomb Kings Imogiri

Imogiri is a special area of ​​the tombs of the kings of the Sultanate of Mataram, which was built by Sultan third, which is a direct descendant of Panembahan Senopati.

Because of the Sultanate of Mataram was split into two, the tomb area is also now also consists of two parts, namely the tomb area for Surakarta and Yogyakarta Sultanate grave area for. There are very strict rules for visitors who wish to enter the tomb area for pilgrimage. So, it helps you find the information first if they want to go in and see for themselves the tombs of kings at Imogiri Yogyakarta this.

10# Tourist attractions in Yogyakarta - Prambanan

Prambanan is the most popular tourist attractions in Yogyakarta for the next 2015 years. The temple is located on the border of Yogyakarta and Klaten in Central Java is indeed a must visit first temple in Yogyakarta.

Another attraction of Prambanan, in addition to the temple itself is beautiful, is the Ramayana are staged every night of the full moon in this temple area. If you had the opportunity to visit Prambanan Temple, do not forget to also visit other temples located not far from there. As Kalasan, Plaosan, and Ratu Boko temple.

11# Jogja Kembali Monument

The monument is located at the corner of North Ringroad and Street Theater Students' Army has become a place to store the witnesses history of the struggle against the Dutch in Yogyakarta. Not only the various attributes of the war and the history of any goods that you can enjoy here, but there is also a diorama and also rides game.

At night time, you can also visit Jogja Kembali Monument area to enjoy various forms of lanterns beautiful in Taman Pelangi her. This makes the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta is so interesting.

12# Museums in Yogyakarta

Besides the palace and the monument is still a lot of place to store the museum traces the history of the other much visited by tourists, especially who love history and culture. Call it Sonobudoyo I and II, Fort Vredeburg Museum, Museum of Struggle, Kotabaru Sandi Museum, Museum of Toys Kolong Stairs, Volcano Museum and the museum is also very exotic, ie Ullen Sentalu.

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